You will have seen elsewhere on this website the wonderful work our volunteers do to bring you such a wide range of events. We are proud that the majority are completely free and even those where we do make a charge are subsidised.
In 2019, we spent approximately £100,000 staging our events. Of this 44% was generated by our magnificent charity shop situated at 53 St Mary Street, Kirkcudbright. Our ticketed events brought in 32% and voluntary donations collected ‘on the day’ brought in a further 21%. The remainder was made up of donations from specific individuals.
I invite you to make a donation towards our work using the link on this page. If you are able to Gift Aid it then we can reclaim the tax you have paid which adds a further 25% to the value of your contribution.
Thank you for supporting Kirkcudbright Summer Festivities and we look forward to seeing you at future events.
John Blaikie